Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sexism on Xbox Live: The Intro

One of my friends posted this somewhere, and all I am doing is passing this along. I will be updating you as he updates, and at the end of the experiment, I will interview him. So, without further ado, here is the intro!

"So, I was explaining to some friends of mine about how most women have bad experiences on xbox live, and I decided to become a part of a 'social experiment'. I thought it would be interesting to experience the sexism and such

...but from a guy's perspective.

But, as my gamertag isn't all too feminine as it is, I will have to change it to convey to the average guy gamer that my gamercard is convincing. I'll have to change my pic and name. For a pic I'll probably use one from the Splinter Cell DA (there are some pictures of one of the main woman characters), as a name I'll change it to something feminine (I haven't figured that out yet, maybe The Flying Dutchess).

This experiment will go on for a few days, starting tomorrow, and at the end I'll change my gamercard back to the one I have now and relate to you what happened and what my take on the sexism I will probably encounter was like. Since my voice isn't all too feminine either (I hope :P), I'll mute myself during the duration of the experiment.

Yes, I'm" pretty crazy. "

Here's to wishing him the best of luck!
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